Fund Established to Benefit the Babington Family in their time of need
I’ll get right to the point. I have been fielding calls daily from all over the sport with organizations and people wanting to help Kevin Babington. Clearly, with good reason I can speak to personally, this athlete is universally loved.
So, a fund has been established, which is more complex than you might first imagine but it’s been accomplished none the less. The law firm of Lowenstein Sandler LLP stepped forward after the first SOJT press release and volunteered to do the needed legal work without charge to the Babington family. So, our thanks to these great souls.
Checks can now be written to “Babington Family Trust” and 100% of the proceeds will go directly to the family to support Kevin’s care. Checks should be mailed to PO Box 771, Gwynedd Valley, PA – 19437.
Kevin is fighting valiantly, still very much Kevin to include his good humor and everything that can be done is in motion. Diana is looking forward to his move to a world class rehab center from the very able trauma center that has cared for him to this point.
The bottom line is Kevin needs our help and any donation towards his care is vital. So, let’s dig in and each do what we can.