Kevin Babington Update April 2020

by | Apr 6, 2020

It is early spring and normally now is the time that many horsemen would be heading north. Like many, Kevin Babington and his family are unable to because of the serious health risk Corvid-19 poses to medically compromised people such as Kevin. They are staying put in Florida for the foreseeable future and need our help with a long overdue project. When Kevin was released from Kessler all they had time to prepare for him in advance was a handicap bathroom. The family did their best to occupy the cramped existing homestead during season and were looking forward to renovating the house to meet their needs moving forward once they headed north. The Kevin Babington Foundation had several fundraisers planned to help them cover expenses as they are already getting hit hard from the medical expenses and continued physical therapy which is not covered by insurance. Those have been canceled due to the current world health crisis.

The need to have a home that provides Kevin and his family with a safe and functional living space is necessary and non-optional. Currently, Kevin only has access to one room and his bedroom, which he is sharing with Dianna who gets no sleep due to the nighttime activities required for Kevin’s continued health care. The aid needed to assist with his care at night is in the one living area left so there is no place to move to. The girls literally live in their bedrooms since there is no other place for them to occupy. Having been there myself I can tell you it is tiny and now with all of the necessary medical equipment which is sure to grow it is beyond cluttered. Already they are managing bath chairs, a hoyer lift, wheel chairs, therapy tables, breathing machines, etc. immediate renovation is critical to convert this house to a reasonable living space. Even the walkway is too narrow for the wheel chair and it regularly gets stuck in the landscaping. It is difficult and demoralizing. There is no room to off load Kevin from the van without him getting soaked in the rain because the one access to the house is on the far side. This house which is on the farm was originally purchased for seasonal occupation but the family has declared Florida residency.

This is not some beautification but a reconfiguration and addition of some much-needed space. Plans have been drawn up and the goal is to begin contracting as soon as possible. Our objective is to offset the overhaul needed and raise enough money to cover the costs of construction. We are hopeful those costs will be much less significant right now after season and with contractors needing work. That said this cannot happen without your help and a little bit from many goes a long way.

We all need each other in these trying times but Kevin and the girl’s circumstances are pronounced. I want to remind you that Kevin was always first to be the one helping others. Twice he opened his farm in the face of hurricanes set to hit Florida and would not take a dime from people during those emergencies. I am sure he will do it again. So I am asking that you please do whatever you can to help them have a living space that can accommodate Kevin’s disabilities. Dianna continues to work as much as she can but she is primary caretaker for the foreseeable future as she hopes Kevin will make some recovery.

If you can lend a hand please send a check or click on the button below to go to The Babington Family Go Fund Me Campaign. Please send checks to The Babington Family Trust PO Box 771 Gwynedd Valley, PA 19437. God Bless you for your support and stay safe.
