Kevin Babington Update March 2020
For the many of you who contact me regularly and are aware of Silver Oak’s involvement in Kevin’s recovery I’m sending this, another update, to be transparent and efficient. I must start by telling you the patience, valor, kindness to all around him, and outright tenacity Kevin exhibits every day is beyond inspiring. He is concerned about everybody other than himself. In short, it’s the Kevin we always knew albeit dealing with an extraordinary challenge.
Kevin and Diana remain very much immersed in this sport in every way caring for clients, growing their sales and training business and lending their considerable expertise everywhere in the sport possible. You can see them both daily at the WEF facilities in Wellington engaged with clients and the many supporters.
Kevin continues to make physical progress and in fact Diana and Kevin just returned from the Mayo clinic. Based on his considerable progress and overall health he has been entered into a very limited stem cell trial for the month of April at the Mayo clinic, one of a dozen such individuals. The first such trial saw a shocking percentage of the participants regain considerable mobility.
Through all this nobody has heard Kevin complain, his continual comments to me amplify his concern for everybody around him never speaking a word about his discomfort which is considerable. The monumental patience, focus, and aptitude to see the big longer-term picture is staggering. His dedication to his physical therapy has mystified his doctors.
Our community has continued to come forward financially supporting the considerable cost of his care. The trial at the Mayo clinic will not be covered by insurance and continued donations to one of either the Babington Family Trust or the Babington Foundation are still very much needed. Even small donations add up and those are best made to: The Babington Family Trust with checks sent to: PO Box 771 Gwynedd Valley, PA – 19437.