The Silver Oak Jumper Tournament

2021 Show Recap

Day One Recap Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Silver Oak Jumper Tournament – Presented by The Davis McCullough Foundation

We’re back and ready for more action here on day one of the Silver Oak Jumper Tournament, 2021, at the stunning Flintfields Horse Park in Traverse city Michigan. Among numerous and busy classes all day the Rood & Riddle sponsored event was the highlight of the day. In the feature 1.40m CSI 3* event, alongside talented and prestigious riders left and right, young rider Cathleen Driscoll clenched an early-week victory aboard the Belgian dark bay stallion Iceman de Muze. After her win and back in the stables, she had so much to say in thanking Rood and Riddle for their excellent support of our sport saying, “it’s fabulous that they are sponsoring these classes, providing that opportunity for the riders and horses to really have the benefit of three classes in this Open Jumper Division. The class, and our win today wouldn’t exist if not for them !”

As events continue this week things will ramp up, and to our riders they can also enjoy and take full advantage of the SmartPak rider lounge or actually “Oasis”, generously sponsored by SmartPak. Expertly placed, it is in the heat of the action with plenty of amenities and a picture-perfect view of the Grand Prix arena. Driscoll herself, after visiting the tent between classes earlier today, raved about the snacks, view, and an area to stretch out comfortably. “It was so generous of SmartPak to sponsor such a beautiful tent; it just adds a level of class and comfort that makes watching the horse show that much more enjoyable.”
Tune in for more of the action each day this week because we are only going up from here! From more sponsored classes by some of our amazing sponsors including Stud Tree, Malbern Bank, and GGT, multiple CSI 3*’s, a Benefit Classic for Kevin Babington (Saturday), and leading all the way up to our most prestigious event on Sunday, the $137,000 CSI 3* Agero Grand Prix, things are shaping up to be another fantastic year of SOJT!!

Cathleen Driscoll on Iceman de Muze

Photo Courtesy of Andrew Ryback Photography